What The Side Of The Bed You Sleep On Says About You

Who knew that which side of the bed you sleep on could say so much about your personality? Do you have a preference? We talked to a few of our listeners who rotate sides, just to keep things interesting! For me, I'm such a restless sleeper I start on one side and end up in a completely different place by morning, but here were the stats from a new survey:

  • According to a new survey, those who choose to sleep on the left side of the bed tend to enjoy oldies music and drama films
  • Those who sleep on the right side tend to prefer rock music and action flicks
  • 40% of people chose their side of the bed because it’s the one that makes it easier to leave the bed, while 31% sleep on their side because their partner prefers the other one

As for why people choose the side of the bed they sleep on, the biggest factor has to do with getting out of it. The poll finds that 40% of people chose their side of the bed because it’s the one that makes it easier to leave the bed. Partners also play a big role, with 31% saying they sleep on their side because their partner prefers the other one.Other reasons for choosing a side of the bed include:

  • Better access to nightstand (31%)
  • Better view of TV (25%)
  • I like to sleep against a wall (18%)

Can you relate to these findings?

Source: SWNS Digital

Photo Credit: Getty Images

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