Camila Cabello Talks Social Media and Teen Pop Stardom in New Interview

Camila Cabello sat down with Lena Dunham to record "Noise," a second season episode of Dunham's "Women of the Hour" podcast. This interview took place just a few days before it was announced that Cabello would be leaving her girl group Fifth Harmony. The 19-year-old pop star opened up about her experiences on social media, as well as what it's actually like to sky rocket into the world teen pop superstardom

Dunham was curious about Cabello's journey to becoming one of pop music's most recognizable faces at such a young age, especially because "there are stories of people who've really lost their way" that have taken similar paths as the former Fifth Harmony member. Cabello revealed that her mother is what keeps her grounded and sane. "I literally don’t think I could function without [my mom]. She’s been through so much in her life that’s real shit." The singer said of her close bond with her mother and how she's influenced her throughout her life. "She came from Cuba. My family came from places where a lot of people didn’t have food to eat. Whenever there’s stuff here, little stuff that could make you angry or makes you forget that we have so much to be grateful for just having hot water, my mom makes sure to remind me of what’s important."

Cabello also revealed that the best decision she's made throughout her career has been staying away from social media. While she still regularly updates her Twitter and Instagram accounts, she has started to avoid the comments on her pictures and tweets. "I don't go on it, and I just keep myself focused on getting better and growing as an artist and finding different ways to grow as a person," Cabello said of her decision. ""I don't have 1,000 people thinking that they didn't like my shoes. Even though I know that there's way more support than there is hate, I don't have that in my head."

Cabello also touched on her experience with sexualization in the music industry, as well. "With being a girl group, there's been a lot of times where people have tried to sexualize us to just get more attention," she revealed, but she's learned to stick up for herself and what she's comfortable with through the years. "There’s definitely been times where there’s stuff that I have not been comfortable with and I’ve had to put my foot down. There’s nothing wrong with showing sexuality. If you have that inside, it’s just an expression of who you are. If you want to share that with people, that’s amazing. I love that. Look at Rihanna. She’s so sexy. She comes from Planet Sexy. I worship her. I really, really do." I mean, who DOESN'T worship RiRi?! We're with you, Camila!

We're excited to see what's next for Cabello's burgeoning career as a solo artist. It doesn't seem like she's in too much of a rush to get things started, which is great. She definitely deserves a break after her insanely busy year. She's been posting pictures from a magical looking vacation in Cancun and we wish we were there, too! 

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