Rescue Dog Saves Blind Man From House Fire

Rescue Dog Saves Two Men From House Fire 

In Vancouver, Canada, a rescue dog did the rescuing when he saved a blind man and the man’s uncle from a house fire. The two men were at home and sleeping at the time of the fire, but their faithful dog – a German Shepherd named Coda – woke them up in the middle of the night. When Lawrence Perry – who is blind – woke up, he heard the frightening crackling and popping sounds of the blaze. Amazingly, Coda woke Lawrence and his uncle Leo up before the smoke detectors started going off. Lawrence and Leo credit Coda with saving their lives, as well as their house.

Listen to today's episode of Feel Good News below

Community Rallies To Help Lemonade Stand Theft Victims      

When life gives you lemons and a thief steals them all, the community comes together to make lemonade. Two young girls in California set up a lemonade stand Sunday morning and took a quick break to go inside the house. When they returned, they found that someone had stolen 10 in cash, all of their lemons and a giant stuffed giraffe.

 One of the girls' mother called the police to report the theft and word quickly got out to the rest of the community, which jumped into action. The police department chipped in to donate 50 to the girls. A local toy store donated a giant stuffed alligator. Whole Foods contributed a crate of lemons and other pitched in with money.  The police department said in a statement, "We would like to thank all who donated. We know the girls were very happy and thankful for the donations."

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