Doctor and Dad To Triplets Delivers 3 Sets Of Triplets Nearly Back-To-Back

Dr. Michael Paul is often surrounded by multiples — at home, and now at work, where he recently delivered three sets of triplets within weeks of each other.

The babies were all born healthy at the end of last year. Paul delivered the first set of triplets on Nov. 2, the second set on Nov. 26 and the third set on Dec. 16.

"It's a bit of a miracle to be able to say, jeez, nobody has a problem," he said. "These high-risk pregnancies all delivered successfully."

To mark the special occasion, Paul posed for an adorable photo with the triplets — all nine of them, "enough to make a baseball team," he said. The babies, eight boys and one girl, were all wearing St. Louis Cardinals onesies.

The moms didn't know each other before their pregnancies, but became pals at the hospital, Paul said.

And now, they're all learning what it means to parent triplets.


Last month, the Kickers Soccer Club in the Santa Ynez Valley of California convinced friends, family, and other members of the community to donate 450 pounds of fresh produce to those in need.

Well, those people delivered on their promise and showed up with their fruits and vegetables, which the Kickers Soccer Club presented to a local charity – the People Helping People Food Program.

From there, the People Helping People Food Program was able to offer those hundreds of pounds of healthy food to nearby families in need.

 Amazingly, the People Helping People Food Program provides over 270,000 pounds of food to those in need each year -- and has a goal of providing 60% of that food as fresh fruits and vegetables.

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