Terra's Kitchen // iHeartThis

Despite many of us "pretending" to be able to do it all, it's just NOT TRUE. For instance, when I don't have an incredibly busy week, I have the time to meal prep, search for recipes and cook 3-4 nights a week. When I'm pulling double shifts, there's not a chance I can cook, so take out it is!!! I decided long ago that I had to find a resolution because I want my children to grow up with home cooked meals BUT, there's only so many hours in the day! I've tried many meal prep services and by far Terra's Kitchen has been my favorite!  

There's a variety of different yummy recipes to fit every family; whether you're paleo, vegan or eat everything under the sun, they've got a meal for you! Recipes come printed on card stock (I have many binders now of my Terra's Kitchen recipes) and I love that they come with cooking tips and even beverage suggestions to help you have the best meal ever! You can even add smoothies, salads and snacks to your vessel to make life even easier for you! Terra's Kitchen uses antibiotic & hormone free beef and chicken and the freshest fish; it all comes in a refrigerated package that they conveniently pick up for you so it can be used over and over again, making it great for the environment as well!  

Today only, for KTU listeners, head here to use the code IHEARTTHIS and you'll get $40 off your first order!  

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