Greg T Refuses To See A Woman Doctor

The hot topic is seeing opposite sex doctors.

Greg T’s doctor is moving to a different practice leaves Greg T in need of a new doctor. Greg T and his doctor and very close, he stated, “he’s my boy, and we can talk about man stuff! If I have a problem downstairs under the hood, he takes care of it. So I said to him, ‘you know me and you are tight. But now I have to go see someone else. Can you make a recommendation? And he said 'you should definitely see doctor so and so.' And I said to him 'oh my god well is he just like you?' And that’s the catch word right there 'he'.

When finding out that his doctor referred a woman Greg T replied, “I can not! And here’s the reason why. I am all about women doctors, this is not a man and woman thing. That’s not what this is! With my doctor I could squat, I could cough, he could look into my rear end, he could do whatever he wants! We could talk about my parts and my marriage. But with a woman doctor I don’t think I could have the same relationship with her.”

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