Wendy Wild

Wendy Wild

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Total Stranger Paid For Her Gifts When Her Card Was Declined

Facebook user, Zara Chowdhury took to the social media site to thank the stranger who paid for her holiday gifts when her card was declined.  The note read:

"Hi my names Jemma I'd just like to make an appeal to say thank you to some one who done something very generous. I was out shopping at Trafford centre with my son getting a few gifts from LUSH when I was ready to be served my card declined so I waited 10 minutes to try again but unfortunately it declined again so I told the woman behind the till to leave the stuff behind the till whilst I go cash machine which was 10 minutes from the store by the time I come back the woman come from behind the till with a bag which had the stuff I was going to buy in it she said some one has brought it for you and left a note!!! I was in shock and asked her who the woman was I went round looking for her which I couldn't find her I just wanted to say thank you and I really appreticate what she has done!! Goes to show there are some really nice people in the world xxx CAN EVERYONE PLEASE SHARE SO I CAN FIND OUT WHO SHE IS AS WOULD LIKE TO SAY THANK YOU PERSONALLY XXX SHES CALLED BETHANY BY THE WAY #readthenote"

This is just SO nice.  Happy Holidays everyone.  xxo

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