Wendy Wild

Wendy Wild

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Woman Creates The Most Bizarre Illusion With Her Mirror Selfie

On Saturday, Marisol Villanueva of Spain posted this mirror selfie: 

She posts

yea i just combined vertical and horizontal stripes

However, that's not what gained the Internet's attention.  Marisol innocently posted this selfie of her outfit, unknowingly creating the most baffling optical illusion.  I immediately did a double take!  Is that one leg or two REALLY skinny ones?  Oh - and I wasn't the only one to have that thought:

Even Buzzfeed ran with this story... 

Buzzfeed was actually able to get an interview with Marisol, where she admitted:

... she didn't notice anything until someone pointed it out. "I found it super funny and I laughed for like 5 minutes, but I didn’t expect it to get such a big amount of attention," she said.

Photo Credit:  Getty Images

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