Wendy Wild

Wendy Wild

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Easy Resolution: Drink More Water In 2023 💧

young woman drinking water,healthy lifestyle

Photo: Getty Images

I should listen to my own advice... I'm the WORST with remembering to drink enough water - but here's a little incentive for us all.

A new study found that people who stay hydrated are healthier and live longer than people who don’t drink enough water. The 30-year study measured serum sodium levels in more than 11,000 adults. The researchers found that when people were dehydrated, their serum sodium levels increased. High levels of serum sodium are associated with signs of accelerated aging as well as conditions like heart and lung disease.

Drinking enough water can keep you young and healthy? Sign me up... It seems like an easy enough resolution to make.

For more Wendy, check out the latest episode of Give Our Take podcast:

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